

3D Color Services

“Color Correct Comps” is a specialty service that Anza has provided for more than 35 years. A “Comp” is term used to describe a specific model type where the primary focus is on brand, image, color and graphics but the underlying form they’re applied upon also affects their presentation. The resulting need is a model that accurately represents the graphics as well as the underlying form.











These models are also used in focus groups for evaluation of the overall design. Accuracy is necessary so that the model being presented does not sway the reviewer, which is usually a “typical” consumer. If there are any areas that are not clearly defined by the model then the imagination of the consumer fills in the gaps and the results of the focus group may be misleading.

It takes skill, experience, and patience to be able to build models at this level of near perfection. We can almost guarantee that if you watch TV during the evening, you’ve seen our work.